The Moonshadow Tavern Goes BIG

Right in the heart of the Ithaca Commons sits the Moonshadow Tavern, where students and townies congregate to dance, drink, and be merry. The bar is most popularly known as Moonies. Prior to its expansion on Feb. 26, Moonies customers were trapped like sardines in its long, but very narrow space. Pushing and shoving was the price to pay to enjoy the upbeat ambiance at Moonies. The bar’s recent expansion includes an additional room, which has become the spot to really get your groove on. “It was harder to dance before the expansion. I used to feel trapped and had trouble going anywhere,” said Maddie Rimpas, a college student. Now with the additional room, Moonies has earned more popularity, making the bar even more crowded. Although Moonies is still packed on the weekends, there are some people unenthused about the “new” Moonies. “It feels more like a club than a bar. Moonies used to remind me of an old-school bar and that’s why I liked going there so much” Abigail Young said, a college student. Could the “new” Moonies now lose its devoted customers because of its expansion? With the dance room, do you see yourself going there more or less? Drop me a comment below and share your thoughts. Expansions are good and are certainly needed if people are literally falling over each other to fit inside the room. But if this expansion changes the atmosphere, was this new room worth it?

One response to “The Moonshadow Tavern Goes BIG

  1. I love the new dance room! Before I just loved being out at the bars surrounded by all of my friends, but now with the new dance area I get to break it down and really meet new people who are just out to have a good time. Great idea, Moonies!

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